mercredi 24 juillet 2013

Camille in San Francisco and Santa Barbara

Most people wish to visit San Francisco at least once in their lifetime. Not only because it looks like the beautiful city of Montreal with the sea in bonus; But also because it is such a fantastic city for the unique culture, unrivaled life quality, exquisite cuisine and contagious vibe. I was priviled enough to visit both San Francisco and Santa Barbara during the same trip. Tough I really enjoyed the pair, San Francisco remains my favorite for the beautiful architecture, Treasure Island, Chinatown, Union Square, Twin Peaks, North Beach, Fisherman's Wharf and Pier 39, and to see sea lions, the Golden Bridge, the Young museum Park, and all the amazing restaurants...
Santa Barbara was also a lot of fun even though the weather was grey, we managed to do a memorable tour of the city.

Word can't express how lucky I felt to visit San Francisco during my trip to California. As you guys probably already know, my favorite thing in life (put aside my hubby and pets), is unequivocally GOOD FOOD. The californian food hasn't suprised me before going to San Francisco, but that city is at another level. I must say it was delicious! The food in the Bay area was simply mouthwatering. On the first night we were a little disappointed because like every tourist sometimes you don't find the best restaurant near your hotel at 11pm! We decided to go to «Lori's» restaurant which is a cute place looking like «Beauty's» in Montreal or the place in the «Archies» but not as good!

On the second day we went to the San Francisco Pier where there are a few great restaurants with views on the ocean and great seafood! My friend Marine suggested to go to a very good restaurant serving seafood where she went with her parents a few years ago. It was an amazing idea! We ate fresh seafood, while looking to the splendid view of the ocean and the sea lions sunbathing! It was adorable!


At night we tried to go to «State Bird Provision», a very good restaurant that my coworker Mathilde told me about, but unfortunately it was full so we ended up in an Indian restaurant nearby called «Dosa». It was the best thing I have eaten since I'm in California! Real good Indian food like we like. And the drinks were to die for! Coconut milk, gin, hibiscus juice, lemon and spice! I loved it.

San Francisco architecture is also superb. You have that kind of feeling that you are in Montreal, but with the Californian's mountains, the New York type of street and the smell of the ocean. One thing that is very famous in San Francisco is the Chinatown. It really looked like the one we have in Montreal but a lot bigger and I think more choices of markets. Walking by the cute streets with original architechture, I felt like if I was in the movie : «Mme. Doubtfire» or «Liar liar», it felt so strange!

Golden Bridge

To really have a real San Francisco experience we took the Cable Car to go to downtown, it was pretty awesome even if it was freezing!!!
I think I could live in San Francisco, dogs are allowed everywhere, food is good, the sea is awesome and the shops are as cool as in the Mile End. The only thing that is not so great is the weather!! OMG!! 18d in July with the wind, it's kind of freezing. I even saw locals wearing their winter jacket! Thank God my friend Cansu let me borrow her sweather or I would have frozen to death.

The Young Museum Garden was so much fun! It is the park of the museum and it is huge! So we decied to rent a «car-bicycle» and made a tour of the garden.

After a couple of days in San Francisco we went to Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara is a little city mostly residential but with a cute Pier. It was a foggy day so I really felt like I was in Maine (if we ad the palm trees). The view is cute and you fell like you are in a little village with little shops, it's great. We rented a «vintage convertable limousine» and made a tour of the city. We had a BLAST!!!!

It's funny how California is so large. The temperature, culture and vibe is so different from one city to another! One thing that I a little heartbreaking is how many homeless people are in California. Everywhere, in every city! I think there is even more homeless in California than in Mexico... Anyway I will keep my analysis of the goods and the bads of the California in an other post, in two weeks.

In an other hand I really enjoyed my weekend. It was the best I ever had since I've been here!

More pictures of my weekend:

Funniest book ever!!

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